Monday, March 1, 2010

Ask the right questions

Dear friends,

I apologize for the long periods between posts, will try harder to blog more regularly as my seasonal stint with BarBri has subsided. Thank you for your faithful following and patience. :)

So I've been thinking, and reading more, and seeing how no matter what place or state of life you're currently in, there are always areas of growth, of introspection that should occur, as we strive earnestly to obey God's Word and long for His return, continually seeking to be satisfied by Him and Him alone.

It appears to me like the most common obstacles to this careful reflection are ignorance or complacency.  Some do not know to think about or ask questions of themselves, of others.  Some are not asking the right questions or not asking them often enough.

Please allow me to quickly address each "lifestage" and what I have generally observed - 

For the high school student, the focus is often on what college to attend, what to "be", and to get there...

For the college student, it's getting through these courses, landing the dream job, or finding "meaning" and purpose in that career...

For post-grad, career singles, it's when you'll meet that "special" someone, or when you'll know it's ok to move on or change paths...

For those who are dating and planning for marriage, it's how you discern or correct conflicts or areas of concerns, communicate through, or work on ways to "prevent" divorce/beat the statistics/make it for the long haul...

For the married couples waiting on kids, and or learning how to parent, it's focusing on the preparation and discipline and avoiding your parents' mistakes...

But aren't we all just missing the point if it's just "practical" steps...relying on ourselves and conventional wisdom??

I believe that although these things should be thought about and discussed, what is so often missed...especially by the weaker, less informed, individuals living outside a vibrant church community. 

What really should be shaping our thoughts, behaviors, actions, and decisions?  

Most of our attention and resources are unfortunately not spent on the "right" things, asking the "right" questions.

What are the right questions then? I think they're similar for each chapter/season in our life.  The Bible doesn't outline "practical" step-by-step advice most of the time.  We're dealing with general principles to live by.

So be asking yourself this:
1) What are my heart's motivations? Is this to serve/please self or God?
2) How does this bring God more glory?
3) How am I becoming more like Christ and blessing/edifying others through this?
4) Am I giving proper and enough priority and attention to what God views as important?
5) Have I sincerely prayed about, sought wise counsel and affirmation in the matter?
6) Where am I placing my trust here, in God or myself or other people/things?
7) How am I doing with resting in God's sovereignty, loving Him first and with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength?

I'm not even close to being an expert, but I do believe that these are questions that can help put you on the right path.  Ask your pastor, mentor, wise friends if what you're doing seems Biblically right to them.

Now that you have been made aware, you can and do have the ability to change and make wiser decisions with God's help.  Pray for God to lead you, pray for greater surrender and reliance on Him, pray for good friends that will ask you and keep you accountable with these sort of questions.

Grace and peace to you.   

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