Monday, November 9, 2009


Too often, we are preoccupied with things that do not matter. When I reflect on what I do not have, what I desire, what I think I need, I get sad, or even worse, I start to complain and become someone I do not want to be.

On the other hand, as I keep Jesus, and His work on the cross as my only focus, everything on earth, EVERYTHING fades away. I am a wretched sinner. I deserve wrath and judgment for my sins, eternal separation from God...but God chose to save me, to send a precious Savior to die in my place.

Amazing Grace, how can it be? That Thou my God shouldst die for me.

We are small, insignificant, and naturally selfish and wayward creatures. In the grand scheme of things, anything we may encounter is just as small and unimportant...but God takes care to notice and to get His timing, in His way. He desires to be OUR life, to direct and define who we are becoming...that He alone is enough and sufficient and will provide for our every need.

God, please look on us with kindness, when we are not faithful or place things or people in front of your purposes, when comfort outweighs character in our twisted minds. Teach us how to serve like your Son did. Help us to be humble, to wait on you, to trust in you more and more.

God, give us a hope and longing for heaven...a greater love and desire to put you first and foremost in our lives before all other "priorities", to live a pleasing and honorable life before you and others, and help us to seek your glory in all that we do.

God, transform our hearts so we can be useful to you. Give us the right perspective on where our energy, desires, and love should be (not on self, but in consideration and deference to others).

Lord, you are Lord of our lives. God, please make us a blessing, that the lost would come to know you.

Grace and peace to you.

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