Tuesday, November 10, 2009

On self-control

I have just started reading Feminine Appeal by Carolyn Mahaney and wanted to share a few things from her chapter on self-control.

She writes:
"Self-control is so important that the apostle Paul required it, directly or by inference, of every group of Christians he addressed in the Titus 2 chapter.  The emphasis placed on this virtue reveals how essential self-control is if we are to effectively commend the gospel. We cannot affort to ignore it. Therefore, if Scripture requires self-control from every Christian, it is obviously attainable by every Christian."

She addresses self-control and how it relates to eating (too much/too little), sleeping (too much or too little), our thoughts and feelings, and our behavior. Self control doesn't just happen but requires effort.  However, it is critical to realize that it is the Lord who equips us to attain this.

What I really enjoyed most was her ending comments on the one behavior, if diligently pursued would promote self-control in all other areas of our life - the daily practice of meeting with God.

"When we meet with God, we can find peace in the midst of trying circumstances, eternal perspective where we have lost sight of the truth, and power to fight our battle against sin.  We will resemble that tree in Psalm 1 that is healthy, strong, and fruit bearing.  Therefore we should eagerly and consistently respond to our Savior's invitation to come and meet with him."

I would like to encourage all of you to desire and work to gain greater self-control in your lives, abiding in Him, to enable you through your continual dependence and reliance on Him.

Grace and peace to you.

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