Monday, April 13, 2009

O Happy Day

After a wonderful Easter weekend of remembrance and celebration, it's back to work for most of you. I'm still seeking God's will for the next chapter in my life, during this "transition" so to speak, but I'm trying to keep a healthy momentum going, developing my inner beauty, because I believe that life is short and we're either heading towards God or away.

I pray this will be of some encouragement whatever you're up to.

Sam Storms shares in his book,
More Precious than Gold:
When I speak of human happiness I'm not talking about physical comfort or a six-figure salary or emotional stability or the absence of conflict or sexual gratification or any such earthly or temporal achievement. That's not to say such things are inherently wrong. In their proper place they may well be expressions of divine benevolence. But we greatly err if they become foundational to human happiness. We should be grateful for them, but happiness is still within grasp despite their absence.

The happiness for which we are eternally destined is a state of soul in which we experience and express optimum ecstasy in God. Happiness is the whole soul resting in God and rejoicing that so beautiful and glorious a Being is ours. Happiness is the privilege of being enabled by God's grace to enjoy making much of Him forever (Piper). I'm talking about the ineffable and unending pleasure of blissful union with and the joyful celebration of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
This is a joy of such transcendent quality that no persecution or pain or deprivation can diminish, nor wealth or success or prosperity can enhance. This is the satisfaction in Christ that was beyond the reach of either adversity or abundance."

This is a true reflection of where our hearts are at, if we've really found contentment in and with GOD alone, to be able to be happy and give thanks in all circumstances (Phil. 4:11-12).

When I focus on the cross, God's grace and all that Jesus did for me -
an undeserving, wretched and helpless sinner - nothing else really matters, it all fades away.

And I have an illustration here - it's a "cliff scene" made famous in
The Good Son:

There's the parent at the top of the cliff, holding with one hand - his son, and with the other hand - me. Because we're both too heavy, the parent must make a decision and let go of one as to free up a hand. The one that the parent chooses to let go of will drop to the bottom of the cliff and die. [Ok, I realize that the movie makes it so that her son was evil (played by Culkin), but let's just imagine the son in our case is innocent.]

I've thought about this scenario A LOT, about who I would choose, placing those that are closest, dearest to me in those two positions...and asking myself what I would do in each case. How would you choose? Family, friends?

And when it comes down to it, God has made that tough decision. He has chosen me/you, over his only son - sure death for Jesus, so that there would be life for me/you.

So, when you play this out in your head, in your heart, I hope that whatever/whoever you choose to hold onto NEVER takes the place of God, because He's the
only one that loves you back that same way.

Pastor Scott Maxwell in AZ says our hearts are idol factories...and it's so true. But when we entertain that, we're really cheating ourselves out of a real chance at happiness in its purest form - when we love God with all of our hearts, with our mind, soul, strength, and to delight in Him (Matt. 22:37, Prov. 37:4).

I think that's where wisdom comes in, and the wise are those who will seek God, study Scripture and choose to align themselves with His Word. It's paradoxical to give up selfish desires which is completely contrary to what the world preaches, but Truth doesn't change whether you believe it or not.

I believe we find happiness in Jesus when we trust and obey...that real contentment and being fully satisfied with life is a direct result of choosing God first (Matt. 6:33). I also think that's why we sing so many awesome songs, because there is JOY in knowing that my soul is at rest and at peace with my Lord - "O Happy Day. O Happy Day...when Jesus washed my sins away!"

Grace and peace to you.

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