Friday, April 24, 2009

On decision-making

So here are my latest impressions about finding God's will, based my own experiences, the "searching" periods in my life, and reading this new book Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung:

I. Problems with the conventional approach of finding God's will as noted in Ch. 4 are that...

a. ...we tend to focus on nonmoral decisions. God cares about every detail and all the decisions in our lives but the most important are moral purity, theological fidelity,compassion, joy, our witness, faithfulness, hospitality, worship, and faith. The important thing is not to stop being thoughtful in choosing or to ignore how God has commanded us to do it all for the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31), but spend more time on HOW rather than WHETHER or NOT.

b. implies that God is sneaky, and somehow "hiding" direction or that he expects us to "find" it. So we stress or get frustrated when we can't seem to figure it out.

c. encourages a preoccupation with the future. Our fascination with the will of God often betrays our lack of trust in God's provision and promises. Where is there then the opportunity to grow and live by faith?

d. undermines personal responsibility, accountability, and initiative. We have to be careful about the terminology we use, and not remove our personal responsibility for making the decision. God expects and encourages us to make choices, confident that He's already determined how to fit our choices into His sovereign will but passivity is a plague among Christians, imagining that we're being spiritual or patient or sensitive to God's leading when it's possible we're just lazy. No doubt selfish ambition is dangerous for Christians, but so is complacency, listless wandering, and passivity that pawns itself off as spirituality. Perhaps it's not so much waiting on God but fear of man, or love of the praise of man, or disbelief in God's providence.

e. enslaves us into hopeless subjectivism. Intuition and feeling are not always bad but the problem is we never take risks because we don't have peace about them, or we second-guess because we feel uneasy, and sometimes that's normal because they are BIG decisions. So it doesn't always mean God is withholding peace in order to get you to back out. This is where DISCERNMENT enters the picture, things we know to be true and right by Scripture (please see II.c. below). We aren't supposed to feel bondage and confusion over EVERY decision because it's not only impractical and unrealistic, it's a recipe for disappointment and false guilt.

II. There's a better way than this conventional approach! Seek first the kingdom! (Ch. 5)

a. Worry and anxiety reflect our lack of trust and faith, and unbelief is plain sin. A decision to be in God's will is not the choice between California or DC or law or business; it's the daily decision we face to seek God's kingdom or ours, submit to His Lordship or not, to live according to His rules or our own.

b. God's will for us is that we live holy, set-apart lives. God is interested in our sanctification! (1 Thes. 4:3, Rom. 8:29) He wants us to rejoice, pray and give thanks always (1 Thes. 5:16-18), to know His will so we can bear fruit and know Him better (Col. 1:9), and to be filled by the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5).

c. So it's pretty straightforward what you do know IS God's will: That you be holy like Jesus, by the power of the Spirit, and do it for the glory of God.

III. My ending comments

In thinking about the decisions I've made, and the decisions I've seen others make, I've seen both wisdom and foolishness (in both sets, me included).

And you know this - because it's obvious...and yet we forget because we're deceived or selfish or just acting stupid...but I'm sure of this - there's only TWO ways, only TWO sides in our world.

There's God's way...which is always best and right, and then there's the WRONG way.
So let's apply what we it God's will for you to be with this person? Hmmm...are they leading you towards God or away? Does the relationship honor and bring God more glory?

There's God's side, or the enemy's side (which is always the losing side).
Again, apply what we know...the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 9:10), and we can tell by conduct which side people have chosen (Prov. 20:11, 1 Jn 3:6-8). What do the patterns tell you (whether it's an ethical company/person)?

So it's problematic when your world is so cluttered that you can't see straight, that you decide, not God, when you've lost touch of what it means to seek holiness, to do what's right, and what's good for you is now actually very distant.

The final analysis:
You're either heading in a direction that leads you towards God, that brings Him more glory, becoming more Christlike, because God is working in you, and that's the "crowd" you've chosen to be around and have been graciously granted.

Or unfortunately, you're heading the opposite way...BECAUSE, you've somehow stopped being interested in God's will (see II. above) AND the crowd/company you keep probably does the same as well.

My dear friends, please choose wisely, and I pray that God will somehow redirect/prevent you from making some permanent mistakes.

Grace and peace to you.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Back to basics

Dear friends,

I've been thinking about all the creature comforts we have and commonly enjoy. But how many of these things* are beneficial to our souls? What is it like to do without?
[*Please note: I use the term "things" broadly. Things = material items, people, activities, thoughts, behaviors, etc.]

Among other books, I'm reading "The Soloist". It's a story about a homeless man in downtown LA that struggles with schizo, but still retains some tremendous musical talent, as he once received Juilliard training. Theatres release a movie version with Jamie Foxx and Robert Downey Jr. this Friday.

I'm gaining some interesting new insight into Nathaniel's world these days...

-How many of you could live without email and cell phone for more than a few hours? a day? a week? a month?
-What about fundamental, basic physical needs? water, food, shelter?

And yet, for many of us, this is all something we take as a given.

After all, we live in an age where "immediate gratification" and "entitlement" are our middle names. There's no concept of patience...of discernment...of contentment...of poverty (both actual and theoretical "want") just do it, get it, achieve it, without hesitation or second thought to the consequences or what God thinks about it...right?

And life more and more, seems like it follows the details, that God wants to be involved in every decision, in the small things too...that we must be faithful in little to be faithful in the big things. (Tithing, serving, surrendering, loving...these are all good examples).

So waiting on the Lord for real provision and guidance is something so far removed from us, that we hardly think about it. We're so blessed...we don't even know it...and we grow complacent, and we forget to give thanks.

And when I look at my life, and the more I focus on what I want and don't have, the worse I feel. The more I stop and reflect, read Scripture, and take time to thank God for what I do have, the better I feel. Isn't that the Truth?

So I wonder how this attitude transfers into other areas of our lives. How often we make simple choices everyday - what to wear, what to eat, who to hang out know, taking care of business, but then neglect the ALL IMPORTANT and CRITICAL "spiritual" component by CHOOSING NOT to work on those areas.

-What happened to daily devotions, to fill your heart with God's commandments so that we may not sin against Him?
-What happened to the practice of prayer?
-What happened to sharing your faith regularly?
-What happened to giving to those in need?

And that's the human condition, the more comfortable we are, the more we take things for granted. Why do we have to wait until hurt and pain enter our lives before we can go to God for answers?

And when those things we took for granted are gone, do we miss them? And more importantly, if so, why?

I pray that you'll make time to take an inventory of your life - just take a few minutes to list your TOP 5 things you can't live without, and ask yourself why you give them such high they honor God? Do they bring Him more glory? Do they bring you closer to Jesus?

Apply wisdom and discretion...and perhaps change is necessary. Are there things that God has called you to surrender and give up?

The habits we create and keep may be detrimental when left unchecked. Sin is subtle and deceiving and ALWAYS leaves us worse off. The "patterns" we see in our lives and that of others reveal true character and motives.

There's a Liberty Mutual commercial that says:
"Doing the right thing says a lot about a person. And a company."

I like that. We need more of those.

"O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy hill? He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart..." - Psalm 15:1-2

Some things are here today, gone tomorrow. Life is short. What have you decided to do with your life? Just going through the motions? Or are you being deliberate about following God?

I'll be totally honest: I'm sick and tired of this idea of "cheap" grace and those who take God's gift/Christ's sacrifice for granted, insisting on living life as they please rather than as an offering that pleases God. That's so offensive.

"Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap." - Gal. 6:7

I know I'm doing a regular check-up in my life, weeding out the poison (even if familiar and comforting) and clinging onto only the "needs" that are good, pure, true, and right.

If we could go back to a simpler world, a simpler life, where there were less distractions, where we could focus more on what really matters, where we could better identify and cast aside sin that so easily entangles...and then look to God for our daily bread, passionately pursuing and desiring Him. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

If we would just yield to God, trust Him completely for His best, and do what is right, I really do believe the world would be a better place.

Back to the "Soloist" illustration:
Some people are selfish, can't see past their own needs, take and take and take, without giving back, unable to empathize and help others. But I'm also glad that there are others like Steve Lopez who can step into a stranger's world, befriend him even when there is high personal cost.

And isn't that just a sampling of what we should be about? Humbling ourselves, submitting to God's will, showing a lost world that there's hope in Christ, that we cannot make it no matter how hard we try on our own, being thankful in all things, and learning to trust Jesus for all of our needs.

May God bless you and lead you as you seek to do what is right, to help change your little corner of the world, as He uses you to leave a kingdom impact.

Grace and peace to you.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Faithfully following Jesus

...that nothing is good but thee;
that I am near good when I am near thee,
that to be like thee is a glorious thing...
Thou art all my good in times of peace,
my only support in days of trouble,
my one sufficiency when life shall end.
Help me to see how good thy will is in all,
and even when it crosses mine
teach me to be pleased with it.
-The Valley of Vision, "The All-Good" (emphasis added)

I'm currently taking a personal journey, one which has required that I lay aside many things, so that I can find some solitude and peace, wisdom and direction.

And I know there are questions, as I have my own, but I'm going to God and seeking Him for answers. We each need to do what we can to deal with "space" and silence in the best the right manner.

There have only been a handful of times in my life that have been this hard, this challenging. On a related note, I recently watched the Lord of The Rings trilogy again. To highlight a couple key points:
1) I especially focused on Frodo, as he began to fall prey to Sauron's power as the evil Ring took hold of him...and how great that burden was for him.
2) In contrast, I renewed my affection and respect for The Lady of Light (Galadriel) as she passes the test and chooses not to take the Ring from Frodo as it would make her "terrible".

And during these challenges in the past, my responses have varied as well. There were unhealthy, destructive thoughts and behaviors -
a world of emptiness, numbness, suppressed appetites, sleeping too much or not getting any rest, days upon days of tears and illness, the loss of any will to go on. There was hatred and bitterness, a strong desire for retribution and punishment for the pain and cruelty I suffered.

But praise be to God, that I don't have to live that way, even when those who should help don't and those who want to help can't.
[To the ones who are concerned, thank you, I want you to know that I am safe and I appreciate your prayers, love and support.]

I have known deep hurt and sorrow. And it's really easy to lash back, to turn that into malice and hatred. But I have seen how sin changes people, blinds them to the Truth, hardens their hearts to God and then to others....and I don't want to be that person.

I don't want to sin in my response to the pain, as I look for healthy solutions, for time away to remember to love, to forgive, to trust God, and to wait upon the Lord.

After all, God is good...and it is good for me to be near Him. I am spending this time to learn from Him, to embrace all that He sends my way, and to rejoice and give thanks through the trial.

By the world's standards, I know I have a lot of things going on for me, a "bright and promising" future to look forward to, but NONE of that matters if Christ isn't at the center. I need to be whole and content in Him before anything else will draw meaning. May I be pleased by His will for my life alone.

First things first.

I have decided to follow turning back, no turning back.

Grace and peace to you.

Monday, April 13, 2009

O Happy Day

After a wonderful Easter weekend of remembrance and celebration, it's back to work for most of you. I'm still seeking God's will for the next chapter in my life, during this "transition" so to speak, but I'm trying to keep a healthy momentum going, developing my inner beauty, because I believe that life is short and we're either heading towards God or away.

I pray this will be of some encouragement whatever you're up to.

Sam Storms shares in his book,
More Precious than Gold:
When I speak of human happiness I'm not talking about physical comfort or a six-figure salary or emotional stability or the absence of conflict or sexual gratification or any such earthly or temporal achievement. That's not to say such things are inherently wrong. In their proper place they may well be expressions of divine benevolence. But we greatly err if they become foundational to human happiness. We should be grateful for them, but happiness is still within grasp despite their absence.

The happiness for which we are eternally destined is a state of soul in which we experience and express optimum ecstasy in God. Happiness is the whole soul resting in God and rejoicing that so beautiful and glorious a Being is ours. Happiness is the privilege of being enabled by God's grace to enjoy making much of Him forever (Piper). I'm talking about the ineffable and unending pleasure of blissful union with and the joyful celebration of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
This is a joy of such transcendent quality that no persecution or pain or deprivation can diminish, nor wealth or success or prosperity can enhance. This is the satisfaction in Christ that was beyond the reach of either adversity or abundance."

This is a true reflection of where our hearts are at, if we've really found contentment in and with GOD alone, to be able to be happy and give thanks in all circumstances (Phil. 4:11-12).

When I focus on the cross, God's grace and all that Jesus did for me -
an undeserving, wretched and helpless sinner - nothing else really matters, it all fades away.

And I have an illustration here - it's a "cliff scene" made famous in
The Good Son:

There's the parent at the top of the cliff, holding with one hand - his son, and with the other hand - me. Because we're both too heavy, the parent must make a decision and let go of one as to free up a hand. The one that the parent chooses to let go of will drop to the bottom of the cliff and die. [Ok, I realize that the movie makes it so that her son was evil (played by Culkin), but let's just imagine the son in our case is innocent.]

I've thought about this scenario A LOT, about who I would choose, placing those that are closest, dearest to me in those two positions...and asking myself what I would do in each case. How would you choose? Family, friends?

And when it comes down to it, God has made that tough decision. He has chosen me/you, over his only son - sure death for Jesus, so that there would be life for me/you.

So, when you play this out in your head, in your heart, I hope that whatever/whoever you choose to hold onto NEVER takes the place of God, because He's the
only one that loves you back that same way.

Pastor Scott Maxwell in AZ says our hearts are idol factories...and it's so true. But when we entertain that, we're really cheating ourselves out of a real chance at happiness in its purest form - when we love God with all of our hearts, with our mind, soul, strength, and to delight in Him (Matt. 22:37, Prov. 37:4).

I think that's where wisdom comes in, and the wise are those who will seek God, study Scripture and choose to align themselves with His Word. It's paradoxical to give up selfish desires which is completely contrary to what the world preaches, but Truth doesn't change whether you believe it or not.

I believe we find happiness in Jesus when we trust and obey...that real contentment and being fully satisfied with life is a direct result of choosing God first (Matt. 6:33). I also think that's why we sing so many awesome songs, because there is JOY in knowing that my soul is at rest and at peace with my Lord - "O Happy Day. O Happy Day...when Jesus washed my sins away!"

Grace and peace to you.

Friday, April 10, 2009

And God saw that it was good

Have you ever wondered why it's called "Good Friday"?

I've heard a few interpretations, and besides the obvious (which is my dear sister's fav new word), I wanted to give my humble two cents.

According to God's divine and sovereign plan and redemptive purpose, we see how Christ's death on the cross was "good" from the very beginning.

Jesus, God's only son, had to die because of human sin (Adam and Eve flashback), but it wasn't "automatic" in the sense that He chose to (John 10:18). Jesus did it in out of complete obedience to God, as a true model and demonstration of what love does and looks like, and nothing we experience is beyond what Jesus suffered...that we too can choose to be selfless after being unfairly mistreated, betrayed, and forsaken...for love's sake.

Isaiah 53:3-6
"He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned - every one - to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all."

Christ's atoning work was the ONLY solution to God's wrath being satisfied, that we would not have to die, according to the just and deserved penalty for our sins (Rom. 6:23). Isn't that "good" news for us? Isn't that the BEST news ever?!

And I don't know about you, I feel really good when I remember, and truly believe that Jesus has gone through it all, and MUCH more...
-that I'm not alone when I feel grief
-that I'm not alone when there's injustice in the world
-that I'm not alone when I face extremely difficult circumstances
-that wrongs committed against me are often first wrongs against God

Scripture doesn't tell us exactly what God's point of view was at the moment that Christ cried out and breathed his last. But I'm fairly certain it was very painful though...imagine what you feel like when you watch someone you love suffer, especially as He bore ALL of our sins.

But you know what? I'm learning that HURT does not always equal HARM. God allows some suffering for a reason:

when we think of how God disciplines us for our benefit...
when we think how a husband should feel jealous when his wife is unfaithful...
when we choose chemo which makes us feel horrible, so that we can kill the cancer and save lives...
when we feel sadness because we have to say goodbye to dear friends and family when they leave us for someplace better, someplace God has sent them.

...and ultimately, of course, when Jesus Christ was brutally beaten, humiliated and tortured, crucified to the that He could fulfill messianic prophesies and follow through with God's greater plan - He saw past the pain and the hurt, and loved us harder, deeper, still:

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?...No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Rom. 8:35,37,38

It is my sincere prayer that you be encouraged as I am when I reflect on that Jesus' love is so GOOD.

I don't know where you're at this Good Friday. But I pray that God will renew that belief in his "goodness", that He'll bring joy and peace to your heart, knowing that at least one person knows where you are, sees you, and loves you so much that He died in your place...PAID IN that you could spend eternity with your heavenly Father, your Creator and Lord.

If you're not right, please please get right today. He alone deserves our allegiance, service, and praise. Let's love Jesus back and celebrate His redeeming work on the cross with our lives as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God!


Grace and peace to you.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Let go and give it to God

What is surrender? How do we let God control us completely as we die to self?

Romans 12:1
"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship."

As we approach Good Friday and Easter this week, I think about all the great things that Springtime brings - flowers and ladybugs, warm weather and sunshine. :)

I think about all that God has given to me and how undeserving I am of Jesus and His loving sacrifice for me. I have nothing to offer to God...and yet, He wants me, loves me, promises to never leave or forsake me.

Unfortunately, I won't be spending Easter at home again this year...even though Easter to me has always been about homecoming, about family, being around and celebrating with loved ones. It brings back fond memories of baptisms (mine and those of close friends') - great joy, because Christ has risen indeed! Praise God!

And yet, let's not forget the suffering and learning to identify with His death and great sacrifice. Paul says it best:

"Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the death." - Phil. 3:8-11

I'll be honest here, I'm going through a really rough patch right now. Things don't feel like they're getting better. It's hard to choose to do the right thing. But God has asked me to trust Him, to let Him work...

I seek obedience through trial, a faithful witness despite continue to love as Christ did, even as He was scorned and nailed to the cross.

We don't know God's exact plan, His perfect ways, but we're called to lay down our rights, our life, as a sacrifice that is pleasing to God.

My life is not about me, and seeking personal satisfaction and pleasure. God promises prosperity and blessing as I meditate on His word and bear good fruit in His name (Psalm 1). My life is about glorifying God in all that I am - that is my PURPOSE.

My God is worthy of my trust, and I can surrender to Him, believing that He wants to bless me and give me His best. And I don't have to worry, because I have a great high priest, and He's showing me how to endure and persevere, carrying me through when I don't have the strength, pulling me closer still...because his grace is sufficient.

Grace and peace to you.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Is black IN?

So I've been thinking, and my close new favorite color is becoming black. Black is classic, sophisticated, chic, flattering, never goes out of style, versatile because it matches everything, and can be sexy (all those exclusive and fancy credit cards).

But black is black because it emits no light. Wikipedia states it this way: "the visual impression experienced when no visible light reaches the eye."

And so I thought about how this applies to us, in a spiritual sense...and this was my conclusion - we're naturally attracted to, desirous of...blackness...because that is my default state, that is the color of my heart.

What a sobering thought! I'm naturally WRETCHED, with an inborn determination to run my own life, in outright disobedience to God. :(

I naturally run away from the light, because it reveals my dark thoughts, my sinful tendencies, when I would prefer to hide and choose the selfish things, to satisfy me first, and wish suffering on those who cause me pain...but THANK GOD that's not where I have to stay!

Ephesians 5:8-14 - "for at one time you were in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true, and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light."

And trust me, we all know that shady things go on at NIGHT, in the DARK...for a reason, because being exposed and in public gets you CAUGHT. But on the flipside, if you're doing the RIGHT thing, there's no reason to hide...because what is true and good and right can withstand scrutiny and criticism and pressure.

I'll like to share with you something about what God's teaching me now.

Satan is EXTREMELY cunning and deceptive. He's lived longer and knows how to tell the lies and set the bait perfectly for you and your weaknesses. BEWARE! (Gen. 3:7)

Something that may appear innocent, harmless, pleasurable, decent, "good", can TOTALLY be bad, wrong, and completely AGAINST God's will for your life. So you HAVE to be on your guard, filter everything through Biblical TRUTH, expose the LIGHT to this, and surround yourself with people who are wise, who know and are willing to do what is RIGHT.

Black is nice. Black is pretty. Black looks really good on me. Black makes other people like and accept me. Black must be perfect because I'm "happy"...

black is BAD when black is sin and causes you to fall away from JESUS - the only one that loved you enough to die for you so that you would be free from sin and stains, so that you could be spotless, blameless, and exceedingly beautiful in WHITE. :)

I pray that we'll continue to protect the sheep from the wolves, to spot and help weed out the black so that we can serve God and live fruitful and abundant lives for His glory.

Grace and peace to you.