Friday, June 5, 2009

God provides

For those of you who have been Christians for a while, isn't it interesting when you look back on those times in your life - times when you felt like God had maybe abandoned or forgotten all about you, times when you really struggled, or were in pain, or crying out of desperation - that you realize were the most profound seasons of change and growth?

I know it's been a crazy road for me. But I'm getting to this place where I'm good again, happy again, "whole" in many senses of the word. I have a really solid, wonderful set of friends (both new and old), wise counselors that I've chosen to surround myself with, and I wouldn't trade it, to go back.

And I'm tasting just how wonderful and great our Lord is, how good He is TO ME. And it is sweet, my dear brothers and sisters, to be near to my comforter, healer, and most loyal friend.

So the thing I thought about today was how David, a man after God's own heart, took a mighty fall, when he committed adultery, and then added murder to that mix, and it took about ONE FULL YEAR for him to come around (please note how sin leads to more sin and brokenness)

...until he finally confesses and repents after Nathan's rebuke...and yet, that's how God sometimes must deal with us, putting us in times of crisis or breaking us hard, to get our attention back on Him, in full reliance in Him, to bend us back after a horrible straying into idolatry (of something, someone, or self) after a season of disobedience, or rebellion, or fear.

I believe that God also brings us down before He lifts us up...all for His glory. And with as much studying and analyzing, I still don't and won't fully understand.

Of course, I realize that I am not the boss, God is, and He's the only one that knows and directs what happens, how it happens, and when it happens. And I find rest and peace in trusting that it's all for my ultimate good (Rom. 8:28, Jer. 29:11).

Just fyi, the job search is on-going...but God provides, as the student becomes the teacher. If you're interested in finding out more, please just feel free to email me. :)

I am anxiously waiting for the next chapter to unfold in my life, just taking things little by little, surrendering to God's leading, making the most of every opportunity, and sharing this with whoever will be gracious enough to listen.

In the meantime, I'm just soaking in everything, savoring this time to learn more, grow more, and love more, so that I can be more like Christ in all that I do, think, say, and how I behave.

May you be filled to overflowing with joy in your heart and found content with the blessings God has given, even when you feel uncertain or face difficult circumstances!

Grace and peace to you.

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