Friday, June 12, 2009

Getting to know...

I'm so amazed by how awesome our God is. There are new things I'm learning everyday! I'm comforted by the fact that although life can be unpredictable sometimes, we're have a God that is consistent, unchanging. And although we don't understand, or don't want to accept things as they are, God is working in His mysterious ways, ways that I trust are for my good, for His glory.

I'm currently working through J.I. Packer's "Knowing God". It's excellent so far, as he explains that knowing God is so much more than head knowledge, so much more than doing things, so much more than an "ends". He describes how complex "getting to know" can be, especially when the object/person is complex. And it's this God that draws us and opens Himself up to us, to know, to "experience" so to speak. Isn't that wonderful?

I was listening to KKLA this morning and the guest was Ed Underwood, senior pastor at Church of the Open Door in Glendora, CA. He was sharing about his "gift" of lymphoma, and how God has used this to bring warmth into his ministry, to unify his church, to bring God more glory...and I'm so humbled by yet another example of this sort of "everyday" surrender and great faith.

I am blessed to be around people who also demonstrate this with their struggles/crosses and feel so fortunate to observe and learn from their examples.

And he made one comment that really struck out in my mind, something that reminded me about how much theology affects our perspective and worldview: "that as a father, he's not smart enough to orchestrate pain/discipline/trial into the lives of his children, but that we have a Heavenly Father that does."

What an excellent observation. It's not until we're broken, or the edges smoothed that we're able to deal with our pride, idolatry, waywardness, and get to a place where God has our attention...and I'm loving it!

I'm at this place in my spiritual journey, really eager and hungry to learn more, but cautious to take this with the understanding that getting to know God is my top priority, to delight in my Maker, Savior, and Shepherd.

Yay, very excited about Resolved! Will keep you posted.

Grace and peace to you.

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