Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Distance and space

So it's been a while since I've posted...and I've been pondering a few random but connected thoughts...mainly from a couple Sci-Fi movies I've been watching.

It's interesting how art imitates life...and how we can sometimes gain some pretty good insight from movies. These writers are well-versed in understanding human character and human relationships.

First, there's Yoda where he's talking to Anakin, saying "Attachment leads to jealousy, the shadow of greed, that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."
If I understand correctly, Jedi are forbidden to have attachments.

Second, the new Star Trek highlights Spock's Vulcan attributes (something new to me) where they train to use logic to suppress emotion.

As a good friend so curiously noted, while it's unhealthy to allow feelings and emotions to control you, suppression is not good either.

So where do we find this balance? I think the key is
acknowledging the pain, giving yourself enough time to grieve and then moving past it.

I also think part of why the world can feel like such a challenging journey for us is our struggle to accept that life doesn't always operate neatly, in absolutes, under rules of proper conduct...which is the world I'm better suited for...that things ARE actually very unclear, often unfair, and the immediate future is uncertain.

There are many unknowns...but I trust God wholeheartedly. Jobs and people come and go, will bring you joy and also let you down; "life" may not end up like we planned or expected.

But "mind-meld" this: the overarching truth we must cling to is that our God is constant, unwavering, and in control.

No matter how distant we feel, He is near. Praise God for his faithfulness and steadfast love!

Grace and peace to you.

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