Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Serve the Lord with gladness

"Slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ, not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart" - Ephesians 6:5-6

This past Sunday was a "full day" event. Our dear Pastor Kurt was leaving for a senior pastorship position in Hickory, North Carolina just as I was becoming a member at Grace. It was a day of bittersweet moments, as I symbolically signaled my "leaving" MBCP and "cleaving" to my new church family and community.

And yet, as I sat and reflected on all that has happened these past few months, I see evidence of God's grace everywhere...how appropriate is that? :)

So as I learn and am eager to grow even more, I'm borrowing a "Kurtism", especially as an encouragement to remind myself with when I feel overwhelmed by the weight of the sin that surrounds us, the deceitfulness and real wickedness that defines our human condition; to serve my Lord faithfully, because I love Him, and to do so with gladness.

Everything I have, including my health, my family, my friends, food, shelter, clothing, the ability to walk, see, hear, feel, and smell (haha) is given to me anew every single day...by God's grace. I am blessed.

Should I feel the least bit of self-pity or despair, shame on me, for I have once again forgotten the goodness of my Savior's love and sacrifice, that I AM NOT MY OWN, but a slave to Christ --> not only is this my duty (Luke 17:10), but it is my honor and privilege and it should be my JOY to serve.

Lord, please forgive me when I slip into "me-mode" and focus on me. Please increase my faith. Show me how I can live and serve you in whatever you place in my path... difficult people, difficult situations...with love, excellence, humility and gladness. :)

Grace and peace to you.

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