Saturday, August 1, 2009


I've been thinking about something recently. Why is it that we often hold such a high view of what other people think of us?

It's always the people we care most about, the ones we make ourselves transparent and vulnerable to, the ones we respect and love, that can really crush our spirits, and send us down a path of despair...and I'm guilty of this "fear of man" as much as you are.

But when you get to the root of it, rejection can be a good thing. I mean, it hurts and can sting really bad, but here's what I've learned:
1) God wants our sole and undivided attention and devotion
2) these people are or are dangerously close to becoming your idols
3) the way you feel/react is much more important
4) these people aren't worthy of that power over you

So what can we do to set proper boundaries, to acknowledge this for what it truly is?

I believe we have to first confess it as sin, that our fear of man and the desire to be needed and cared for by those people has superceded our fear of God. Second, we need to be vigilant and guard our hearts. And lastly, we need to be a lot more flexible and allow for opportunities to be let down without being so disappointed, sad or frustrated.

I know it's hard...but His grace is sufficient for you.

We all live within a community and we're relational by design. Nobody likes being rejected. Nobody wants to be told that they're not likable or pleasant to be around. But hurt doesn't always equal harm, and we have to be discerning about what is good and what is bad, judging our hearts, and our perspectives.

And believe it or not, even when you feel the most lonely, there's always someone around who is more than willing to listen, to relate, to love, and accept you AS YOU ARE. I know it's kinda cheesy, but Jesus loves you and is the only one who is worthy of that "high regard".

Grace and peace to you.

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