Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Surrender is sweet

Dear friends and family,

I've been spending a lot of time at home lately...well, a lot of time in bed actually, since I've needed a lot of rest to recover from this sinus infection/cold I caught last week.

And it's always in these times of vulnerability, especially through physical and/or emotional brokenness, that I realize how much I must continue to seek God for His grace to sustain me.

So needless to say, I have had more time to read, reflect, and meditate, to pray through things that I've continued to struggle with.

And the lesson is, that God, in His sovereign ways, is teaching me more about surrender.

What does that really mean?

I think it's a complete end to myself.  I think it's being humbled...and being stripped of my pride and any thought that I could be self-sufficient.  I think it's telling God that my life is in His hands, that He can use me however He pleases, that I cannot and will not complain but will allow whatever circumstances to shape me into how He sees fit.  I think it's trusting that everything that's happening, what I'm feeling is what is best for me right now.  And I think it's asking the Lord to search my heart more, to reveal ways that I can continue to daily let go of "control" and let Christ reign as King of my life.

And beloved, surrender to the Lord is sweet indeed. :)

Grace and peace to you.

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