Sunday, July 5, 2009

Resolve to be spent...

It's been a week since I last blogged but it feels like much longer. I actually haven't had much time to do too many of my normal routines - being sick meant not being able to go to the gym, having less time to spend during quiet times, and barely checking/responding to emails.

And life has been pretty interesting lately...but everyday is a learning experience, and I'm just enjoying the ride that God has taken me on, learning to go back to basics, trusting Him - that there's not much "faith" involved if we know what's to happen...only to believe that God is good, has our best in mind, is steadfast, loving, and faithful, and will provide.

So, I'm coming up on my last week at BarBri grading, and I'm relieved in many ways - because I desire to have more free time to blog, study, and read - also realizing how much I take for granted the energy I used to have during my younger years...trying to keep up with 310 and their social activities can be quite taxing.

And it's in my moments of physical weakness, that I'm again reminded of how much I need to rely on God for everything...that even though I trust Him to feed me, keep me warm and sheltered, that my every breath is a gift...

My encouragement to you on this Sunday evening is to keep pushing hard, to strain and continue that pursuit of holiness and Christlikeness, to be spent for Him, to love and serve others in a sacrificial and obvious way...that even when you're exhausted, the words that roll off your tongue (flowing out of a joyful heart) are praises to the Father above for all that He gives us: "good" and "bad" times, "good" and "bad" news, that I've been granted another day...

that He's perserved me for a unique and special purpose and that my goal should be to honor and glorify Him despite my shortcomings and own expectations...

that I can rest deeply knowing that I'm doing better than I deserve...

that I'm to be prepared in and out of season, to obey and serve Him with every ounce of strength I have in me...until Jesus returns!

Grace and peace to you.

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