Thursday, August 11, 2011

On heavenly values

Dear friends,

I've been reading a book called "The Secret of Contentment" by William B. Barclay.  It's been especially encouraging, because I find myself at times dissatisfied with the world around me, that I get a feeling of...there has to be something more. 

Perhaps it's because I've been bombarded by messages from the world saying that you can find happiness in something it offers, or maybe it's that I tire/bore easily, looking for something new to excite and impress me.  And then the sad reality is, how different am I from the non-believer next to me, that I find myself caught in building of my own little kingdom rather than God's kingdom.  :(

I think what Mr. Barclay says is really helpful: 
"The unbeliever sets his entire hope on this world and values life in the world above all. But the Christian recognizes that he is a pilgrim and alien in this world (1 Pet. 2:11).  His true home is in heaven."  He continues by saying that Paul's desire and bent towards heaven enables him to "seek the things of God, which translates into living with one another and serving one another in godly ways."  and that heavenly values determine [Paul's] life, that he can reject the thinking of the world, and then becomes, as a result, especially useful on earth. 

I'm realizing more and more how important it is to be in the Word regularly, how wrong our own thinking can be, especially as we don't have the ability to produce the right and true way to live life, outside of what God teaches.  It's so critical to be Spirit-filled, Spirit-led as we seek to mortify sin and die to self.  

Everything the world tells you is pretty much at odds with what the Bible teaches.  For example, I heard a related message this morning on KKLA about how being "in love" is the world's measure of love, ...and Hollywood glamorizes romance, but being in love is more about what it does for me than caring for the other person, and when you stop to think about it, that's what many couples pursue, only to discover that it's not enough... 

In reality, I believe that this is not what God intended for us.  The type of love He calls us to is agape, sacrificial, it is a type of love that is giving, that acts and does and serves, with the heart motivation to glorify God and build His kingdom, in service to and for the benefit of others, not myself. 

And I'll be completely honest with you is a struggle to choose to build God's kingdom, not my own.  I'm like most people.  I want to be happy, have nice things, travel and experience awesome and fun places, but then it quickly fades and you find yourself "chasing" that next thing, in an endless cycle...then you realize you've just spent your life and energy pleasing don't want that to be your story to the Lord, do you? 

I know we naturally care about self first, and care about others when it's convenient and when it suits us...but when we're thinking about heaven, and what matters most to the Lord, we can finally be satisfied in ways that the world doesn't understand.  It puts things in proper perspective, that this is not my home, and I have a job to do here, to live out the gospel, to point others to Jesus. 

Let's work together and encourage one another to focus on what lies ahead and not settle for salad or soup when steak is coming.  :)  

Grace and peace to you.