Tuesday, July 19, 2011

We like sheep...

To all that still check in every once in a while, I thank you. :)

It has been a while indeed, and life keeps going, some things change while some things feel like they stay the same...and I find that many of my struggles these days happen within the context of relationships...as if that's anything new. 

At any rate, I was listening to Family Life Radio this morning and Mr. Dennis Rainey quoted Isaiah 53:6 -

"All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned-every one- to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all."  

Yes, indeed, we are all hopelessly afflicted by selfishness.

He then proceeded to read the "Toddler's Creed" - check it out on google. And I feel like sometimes I'm stuck in that mode, desiring to have my own way, and demanding that others give into me.  And that's just it, we are prone to wander and go astray, we continue to be in control, "kings and queens", mini gods of our own worlds.

Do we really know what was going on in Eve's heart when she was deceived?  I imagine it has everything to do with what James 1:13-15.  

And why do we continue to struggle with submission, ultimately sinning when we are discontent with God's providence, sovereignty, timing and reasons for what we are experiencing? 

It's because we are sinners, in need of Jesus' redeeming work, which freed us from our selfishness, to open our eyes and ears to see and hear a new Master. 

I find we get so easily bogged down from all the things going on around us, that we fall into the trap of forgetting to be thankful, forgetting to take joy in what we are so blessed with, and how easy it is to become critical and grumble over why it's not the way we imagined or planned.

Praise be to God, for helping us realize our greatest problem is US, and that we cannot do this alone.  Thankful for the Word to guide us, thankful for Christ's example to follow, thankful for friends that are faithful to point me towards the Way I am to go.  :)

Grace and peace to you.