Sunday, August 29, 2010

Our Great God

Dear friends,
It's been another quick two months since I've been able to post.  God has again proven to me how faithful He is to provide and care for me, especially returning to "everyday life" and "uncertainties", but being so good and gracious to me, bringing our team safely home, and resolving some "open" issues at home.  I promise to return again soon but for now, I wanted to briefly share what the Lord taught me during my trip to Japan from 7/22 - 8/11.  Here's the email wrap-up I sent out:

Dear Friends and Family,

It brings me great pleasure and excitement to report to you a safe trip home after nearly 3 weeks of serving in Japan. After hours and hours of recuperating, I think I'm finally back on a semi-normal schedule.

I look forward to an opportunity to share with you each individually, along with photos and video footage but I would simply like to briefly express the major "take-aways", how I've seen God work and change me through this trip.

1) We worship a great God! Thousands of miles away, the same God that we will all be called into account, is involved in the details of my life here, is in control of all that is going on in the lives of those in Japan...and I find myself relating to the same struggles as my friends overseas, that we must learn to trust God and surrender to Him daily.

2) We must persevere and be faithful through our witness, to share the gospel.  I was challenged again by the importance of the message we bring and how we choose to live our lives, albeit sometimes "lost" in translation...but it can be through our prayers and conduct, as we LOVE on the kids. People ARE watching.

3) God uses us all to minister in big and small ways where HE has placed us.  That my service and ministry to the Lord doesn't end once I get home, and that I must use whatever I do to bring God glory (at work, school, or at home) the DAILY decisions I make and how that affects eternity and His kingdom, that it's not for my personal comfort or selfish goals but that God is using me to somehow touch lives and hearts for HIM!

Please continue to pray for Hamadera Bible Church and the hearts of the people of Japan! The faithfulness of the HBC staff and members and their deep burden for the lost encourages me in my everyday encounters, that I not be "ashamed" or shy away from being bold for Jesus! People need a Savior, hope and purpose, true fulfillment, joy and satisfaction in life!  Please pray and ask God to remind you of your own salvation experience, that He'll again show you His kindness and goodness in your life, so you'll be desirous to share with others what the Lord has done! :)

Thank you all so much for your support, prayers, and all the encouragement along the way.  

Grace and peace to you!