Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Dear friends,

After an AMAZING experience at the Resolved 2010 Conference this weekend, I'm just quietly reflecting through the theme and central character of Jesus, what an example He was and is to us, to me.

If you weren't able to make it, audio and video files are available online at http://www.resolved.org/.

The title of this post is familiar to some: my license plate - a reminder that being a leader involves service and deference first.

Christ lived this out.  He was revolutionary.  His teachings were completely opposite to what we are naturally led and inclined to believe...to be selfless, to serve and meet others needs always before His own.

Recall the scene where Jesus washes the disciples' feet: there's a picture of deep love, service, and humility, where the focus could have been, perhaps should have been on Him, as He would soon be delivered to be crucified.

And yet, He's demonstrating to them that it's not about His own comfort...and I'm so convicted, how often I see things through my self-serving lenses, how things don't fit the way I like them, how I'm irritated by giving up my own comfort to serve others...sad, shameful...sin is deceitful and abounds in the depths of my heart!

I'm reminded about how I need to be constantly sifting through my motives, serving when I most deserve to be served, serving those who least deserve it, with true love, joy, and humility like my great Savior:

"For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done to you." - John 13:15

More thoughts to soon follow...

Grace and peace to you.