Monday, May 3, 2010

Life lessons

Dear friends,

It's been a while since I've been able to post. So sorry!  Lots of things going on, searching for a job...still, and it has been a season of "waiting" on the Lord for answers and wisdom.  Here are my latest musings:

As I grow older, I'd like to believe that I'm getting wiser and more mature, and the truth is, only God knows if I am. As believers, we may feel that the more we grow, the more we have yet to learn, the further away we are from where we ought to/want to be. Do you get that?

It's in my pursuit (of course, working with God and the Holy Spirit) of becoming more "sanctified" that I'm MORE aware of my wicked and depraved heart, of my sins, that I do struggle MORE, not in the sense that I'm less equipped than my younger years but that I'm more sensitive, the greater the trials, faster I need to repent...or at least that's the idea.

At any rate, I would like to continue to encourage you in your walk, that Scripture has all the truth and treasure that you need, that God will provide grace that is sufficient...none of it is available for the idle and lazy but those who will seek hard and persist in the pursuit of holiness. So go read and study your Bible!  Pastor Rick Holland says "one verse is better than no verse!"

I've been compiling a list of life lessons I wish I had been taught/instructed in my earlier days...but God is good and His timing is perfect, and I'm laying these out for your edificiation.  Please ponder each carefully. I pray you'll learn something powerful and praise God as I have for revealing these to me. I'm sure to add more in the future...

1. Life is unfair. It's not about us, but God's glory. Keep that perspective and prepare yourself accordingly.

2. People you love will let you down, but don't stop loving them. Christ died for us while we were his enemies, when we did not deserve it.

3. Things that matter aren't please turn your focus to relationships and ministry, pouring into other people's lives. How we spend our money and time reveals what really matters to us.

4. We don't always get what we want, nor do things always turn out as we expect. Learn to rejoice either way.

5. We can't change or control others...only God can. So pray a lot!

6. People are different than you. Knowing this alone will save you a lot of frustration and pain. Try to repeat this to yourself until you get it.

7. We all need community. The wise walk with the wise, but fools will suffer harm (Prov. 13:20). God built us this way, so learn how to relate and rely and help one another.

Well, that's all I had for today. I hope you are doing well, finding those treasures in the Word and sharing with others how God's transforming your heart day by day.

May gospel realities lift up your heart whatever you're going through! Because of what Christ has done, I am better off than I deserve!

Grace and peace to you.