Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Lesson

Out with the old, in with the new.  As the entire world sits and reflects on the year past and the year to come, there are good memories, bad memories, and some in between.

What do we take from 2009? What do we allow into 2010? Will it be better or worse?

Our choices define who we're becoming and where we're going. Pastor Rick Holland says faithfulness is in every little decision, living moment by moment, because life is a vapor. Who we worship colors everything we think about, everything we do and say. If our motivations are unhealthy, not Christ-centered, our hearts will naturally follow its sinful desires and stray. How wretched are we! What to do?

I find that it always helps to preach the gospel to myself, in moments of uncertainty, of weakness, of lack of faith and trust.  Salvation and what Christ has done should influence how I choose to live my life today, into the new year, and the remaining days I am granted here on earth.  

Ps. 116:12 says this - "What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits to me?"

If we would just remind ourselves of the constant state of need and dependency on the Lord which is required to function, we would already be better off.  

We deserve wrath, and that that has been removed and placed upon the holy, lamb of God in our stead.  Anything else, any single ounce of kindness or blessing bestowed upon me should cause me immediate and passionate, unceasing praise, undivided attention, love and devotion, and gratefulness that overflows for the grace of God shown to me.

Our only response should then be service.  Whatever talents the Lord has given to me, I wholly devote to His use.  Whatever suffering I must endure for Christ's sake, I rejoice in.  Whatever blessing He pours out, I'll turn back to praise.

I pray that you are thinking rightly upon all the great things that the Lord has done. And the holidays can be hard on some if our perspectives are look ahead, and praise God for His grace, His strength, and His promise to carry you through...and appreciate the simple everyday things.

It's in the cool breeze as the sun blazes even on a winter January's in His word as He reminds our souls that He is our Rock and's in text from an old friend reminding you that you're's in the warmth of a hug from a family's in the sudden rush of your dog when he dashes towards you, excited to love and adore you, to please's in the familiar sights and smells of good times you've shared with those who love you's in the knowing that your safe and secure in the arms of God, that Jesus knows, and cares for just trust, and love Him with all your heart, and push forward. 

Cling to the good, pure, holy, and right. Flee from sin and praise God for forgiveness when you fail. Happy New Year!

Grace and peace to you.